Lewis and clark corps of discovery video
Lewis and clark corps of discovery video

lewis and clark corps of discovery video

Theory should develop from facts rather than facts squeezed to support a theory. Jefferson believed that medicine-indeed, all scientific endeavor-should have at its heart experimentation and observation. Jefferson objected to the highly theoretical medicine of his time. In one sense, however, it was out of character for Jefferson to send Lewis to Rush. Jefferson, long acquainted with Rush, knew his merits, his interests, and his politics (Rush supported Jefferson), and deemed a trip to Rush useful for Lewis’s preparation. no documentary evidence exists about how other many times Rush and Lewis might have met or what specifically they discussed. Disappointingly for the historian, besides the lists of questions and health rules, a few brief comments in letters, and a note on a list of medical supplies that says 50 dozen Bilious Pills were obtained “to Order of B. Letters and other documentation contain evidence of only one meeting between Rush and Lewis. Rush also prepared a list of health rules that Lewis could use to preserve the health of his men. Rush responded by preparing a list of questions that Lewis could use to determine the health and religious practices of Native Americans.

lewis and clark corps of discovery video

Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1978), 19.

lewis and clark corps of discovery video

In Donald Jackson, ed., Letters of the Lewis and Clark Expedition with Related Documents, 1783-1854. Thomas Jefferson, who besides being President of the United States was also President of the APS, had written to Rush, fellow APS member and as well as personal correspondent, saying that it would be “very useful to state for those objects on which it is most desirable he should bring us information” and asking Rush “to prepare some notes of such particulars as may occur in journey & which you think should draw his attention & enquiry.” Jefferson to Rush, 28 February 1803. In 1803, Meriwether Lewis came to Philadelphia to receive scientific training.

Lewis and clark corps of discovery video